Monday, April 9, 2012

Monday is golf day!

Before I start talking about the weekend, let's talk about today. Today was bangin'! That pretty much described how my day went, not how my golf game went. Played at Nonesuch River Golf Club in the morning with my friends. Kanya, his brother, and their co-worker, Eddy.

First I would just like to mention that these guys wanted to play from the Gold tees. It was the farthest tee back. I usually play from the blues and I regularly break 90 and sometimes come really close to breaking 80. These guys WANTED to play from the gold tees, even though they knew it was hard and long. I tried to convinced them to play from the blues so we can enjoy our round and it would be more competitive.

They didn't listen. Everyone shot above 100 except for me. I didn't play my best game but it was good enough to win. My putting was horrendous. I haven't had a round where I 3-putted more than I 2-putted. Probably left more birds out there today than I had chances for pars.

I took the early lead with a par on the first hole and thought I could run away with this entire match. Again I was looking too far ahead. For some reason I couldn't get the putter going and it really hurt my scoring. Another weak spot in my game today and recent outings was my chip shot. I use to be able to put a chip within 10 feet or less, now its more like 15 feet or more. I'm trying a different shot while chipping. It's more consistent but I've been long more often than close.

Later in the afternoon I went to the gym. Trying to get in better shape and form for this summer. It has helped my golf game as well. I'm a little more flexible and rotating more. Getting more distance with each shot. Working a lot on my upper body and core. My gym buddy, Brian, and I was extremely tired about 45 minutes into our workout session. I was yawning and he was exhausted. My excuse was too much golf, his excuse was too much sleep.

Great view of the bay from Portland Country Club.

I got a surprise text message from Bunra, another golf fanatic. He invited me to play some holes with him at Portland Country Club. It's a private club. He works there so it was nice to play there once in a while and of course it was FREE. Nothing wrong with free golf on a private course. Played the front 9. Started out with a par and the rest was nothing to brag about. Let's just say I hit a drive with only 85 yards left and got a triple. Not going to brag but I sucked bad on that hole. It was considered as one of the toughest hole on the course.
Sun setting from Portland Country Club.

Things to focus on tomorrow morning.
  1. Long irons. 3, 4, and 5 iron.
  2. Putting for distance and reading the greens.
  3. Keeping my head down on my wedges.
  4. Chipping within 10 feet.
  5. Be calm.
  6. Don't get too excited like Tim Tebow going to the Jets.
  7. Don't get too tired for the gym.

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